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The Regeneration Trilogy

Код товару : ІМ-00097142

Автор : Pat Barker
Видавництво : Penguin
Рік видання : 2014
Мова : Англійська
Обкладинка : М'яка
Кількість сторінок : 912
Вага : 604
ISBN : 9780241969144
Формат : 134x199x40мм
Тип: Паперова книга
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Анотація  "The Regeneration Trilogy", Pat Barker

The Regeneration Trilogy is Pat Barker's sweeping masterpiece of British historical fiction.

1917, Scotland. At Craiglockhart War Hospital in Scotland, army psychiatrist William Rivers treats shell-shocked soldiers before sending them back to the front. In his care are poets Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, and Billy Prior, who is only able to communicate by means of pencil and paper. . .

Regeneration, The Eye in the Door and The Ghost Road follow the stories of these men until the last months of the war. Widely acclaimed and admired, Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy paints with moving detail the far-reaching consequences of a conflict which decimated a generation.

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