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5 Language Visual Dictionary

Код товару : ІМ-00104925

Видавництво : Dorling Kindersley
Рік видання : 2020
Мова : Німецька / Іспанська / Англійська / Французька / Італійська
Обкладинка : М'яка
Кількість сторінок : 400
Вага : 0.633
ISBN : 9780241413036
Наявність ілюстрацій : Так
Формат : 150x181x18мм
Серія книг: Illustrated Dictionaries
Тип: Паперова книга
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Анотація  "5 Language Visual Dictionary"

This is your one-stop shop to five European languages.
With over 6,500 illustrated words and phrases in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian, and now with a free audio app featuring all these languages, this learner dictionary offers a quick and stimulating way to learn and recall everyday vocabulary.
Featuring a wide range of objects and scenes from everyday life, this dictionary shows you what others only tell you. Perfect for tourists and business travellers alike, DK's 5 Language Visual Dictionary is your essential companion when buying food and clothes, talking about work and interests, discussing health and sport, and studying these languages.
The dictionary is incredibly easy to follow, with thematically organized vocabulary so you can find closely related words according to topic. Words and phrases are pictured with full-colour photographs and illustrations, helping to fix new vocabulary in your mind. Five comprehensive indexes provide an instant reference point for each language.

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