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Tales about Pandimoon (ілюстрації Галі Зінько)

Код товару : ІЛ-00019867

Видавництво : Біла Сова
Рік видання : 2022
Перекладна : Так
Мова : Англійська
Обкладинка : Тверда
Кількість сторінок : 62
Вага : 0.509
ISBN : 9786179514296
Наявність ілюстрацій : Так
Формат : 255x255x8мм
Тип: Паперова книга
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Анотація  "Tales about Pandimoon (ілюстрації Галі Зінько)"

«Tales about Pandimoon» is a book of fascinating stories about one brave baby panda who is in search of his place in the world. These are stories about love, trust and friendship, dreams and courage, happiness, and sadness of loss.

Each story about Pandimoon or Pandi, as his friends call him, raises a specific topic and brings up important questions. Told in allegoric concepts that are understood by readers of all ages, the book has become a Yakaboo bestseller and has been nominated as one of the best children’s literary debuts in Ukraine in 2022.

Kristina Nguyen wrote these tales for her son, and the award-winning artist Halya Zinko made amazing surrealistic illustrations. Together they have created a magical world the inhabitants of which will steal the hearts of young readers and their parents.

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