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Great Maps. The World's Masterpieces Explored and Explained

Код товару : ІЛ-00033611

Автор : Jerry Brotton
Видавництво : Dorling Kindersley
Рік видання : 2014
Мова : Англійська
Обкладинка : Тверда
Кількість сторінок : 256
Вага : 1.631
ISBN : 9781409345718
Наявність ілюстрацій : Так
Формат : 260x300x22мм
Тип: Паперова книга
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Анотація  "Great Maps. The World's Masterpieces Explored and Explained", Jerry Brotton

A superbly illustrated guide to 64 maps from all around the world!
From examples of medieval Mappa Mundi and the first atlas to Google Earth and maps of the moon, this captivating maps book is a must-have for all history and geography enthusiasts and explorers!
Embark on a visual tour of the world’s finest maps! This fascinating world atlas book:

   • Analyses each map visually, with the help of pull-outs and graphic close-up details
   • Traces the history of maps chronologically, providing a fascinating overview of cartography through the ages
   • Tells the story behind each map — why it was created, who it was for, and how it was achieved
   • Profiles key cartographers, explorers and artists
   • Draws together navigation, propaganda, power, art and politics through the world's greatest maps

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